
Can Serve Foundation is a registered Canadian charity. Its sole purpose is to support Sheela Bal Bhavan (SBB), a home for girls in Jaipur, India.

The home was founded in 1992 by Joti and Sheela Bhatnagar.

There are between 20 and 25 children living at Sheela Bal Bhavan at any time. Additionally, our extended family includes dozens of young women who were raised at the home and who are now married, working, and/or pursuing post-secondary education.

The home’s philosophy is best expressed through its Mission Statement:

Sheela Bal Bhavan is a home for girls in need. More than just offering food, clothing and shelter, it is intended to give them choices.

The goals of Sheela Bal Bhavan are:

To provide a home with a warm emotional environment, in which children feel accepted, loved and cared for, while catering for their individual needs.

To instil values of honesty, integrity, perseverance, dignity, self-respect, open-mindedness, appreciation and acceptance of diverse points of view, enabling them to prosper in social, professional and spiritual fields. 

To help them develop self-sufficiency and independence in intellectual, emotional and social domains. 

To assist them in making good choices in a way that lets them better cope with realities of life.